Plasma-based actuators for flow control: recent developments and future directions

14 March — 16 March 2018, Delft, The Netherlands

Keynote speakers

Prof. Kwing-So Choi , The University of Nottingham, UK

title: "New strategies in leading-edge flow separation control using plasma actuators"

Prof. Thomas Corke , University of Notre Dame, USA

title: "Active Turbulent Boundary Layer Drag Reduction Using Pulsed-DC Plasma Actuator"

Prof. Sergey Leonov , University of Notre Dame, USA

title: "Q-DC electrical discharge in supersonic flow: morphology, dynamics, and flow control"

Prof. Kozo Fujii , Tokyo University of Science, Japan

title: "Three flow structures behind flow control authority of DBD-PA: What we learned from high-fidelity simulations and related experiments"

Dr. Jochen Kriegseis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

title: "DBD based Boundary-Layer Control - Characterization and Application"